My name is Philip Albenze. A few years ago, I tipped the scales at a staggering 304 pounds and suffered from drug and alcohol abuse. Once I was dedicated to changing my lifestyle, I lost nearly 140 pounds in my first year. By 2023 I had competed in 20 Natural Bodybuilding Competitions and had been awarded 20 Trophies with 4 Champion titles. I am currently a Personal Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Amateur Masters Boxer and Owner of Body By Phil. I have trained over 400 clients in a multitude of various fitness goals.
Why did I decide to transform?
In 2009 I was having health issues such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver disease and severe asthma related complications, due mostly from poor diet and alcoholism. I was informed by my physician that I had the body composition of a man in his 70’s. He told me point blank “change your ways or die”. My 9 year old son heard this and started crying. I knew right then that I need to change my life for the sake of my son.
How did I accomplish my goals?
The day I got my test results from the doctor, I drove to a gym and hired a Personal Trainer. I learned everything I could about weight training, proper nutrition and most of all staying consistent. I trained 6 days a week starting with primarily cardio for the first 30 minutes, then moderate weight training. My diet was spot on and very detailed down to the gram. I weighed my meals and prepared them a few days in advance so I was never wondering what to make or what to eat. I avoided all fast food and stopped all soda and cut out most dairy, sugar and white bread.
I stopped drinking alcohol and only allowed myself a cheat meal once a week.
Personal Training
I became a personal trainer so I could help others reach their fitness goals. I know what my clients are going through when they struggle and get discouraged because I have been there myself. In the past several years I have trained over 400 people many of which have dropped over 100 pounds. A few of my clients actually became trainers like I did so that they too could inspire and teach others.
Addiction Recovery
I continue to facilitate and help others who struggle with many types of addiction and impulse control issues as I am very passionate in offering my experiences and successes in my own recovery.